
These pre-calculus lessons are meant to bridge the gap between Math SN5 and Calculus 1. Many students who go directly from Math SN5 to Calculus 1 have difficulty with some of the algebraic procedures that are essential to Calculus but are not covered in the Quebec SN5 curriculum. These lessons provide a solid foundation that students will need in order to be successful in Calculus. (Additional lessons are in development.)

The primary objectives of these lessons are to provide:

  • Review and consolidation of essential secondary high school topics covered in the Math SN4/SN5 courses.
  • Additional algebra instruction that picks up where Math SN4/SN5 leave off, and covers topics essential to successfully study Calculus 1 and 2.
  • Enrichment, which may include introductory Calculus topics, such as Limits & the Derivative of a Function.

LEARN Design and Development Team: Author/Lead Teacher: Audrey McLaren, BSc, DipEd; Editor: Steven Rossy, MD; and Instructional Designer: Kristine Thibeault, MEd


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