Summary: Roles of a, b, h, and k in the Greatest Integer Function
In this lesson, students review the effects of parameters a, b, h and k in
These resources include interactive videos, as well as supporting documents that identify and explore topics that are not covered in the CST 4 program. (Additional lessons are in development.)
LEARN Design and Development Team: Author/Lead Teacher: Peggy Drolet, BEd; Editors: Steve Rossy, MD + Tasha Ausman, PhD; and Instructional Designer: Kristine Thibeault, MEd.
In this lesson, students review the effects of parameters a, b, h and k in
In this lesson, students will review the basic Greatest Integer Function. Then, students will explore
In this lesson, students will learn how to recognize a Greatest Integer Function given a
This lesson introduces the concept of a new mathematical operation that involves [ ]. Students
In this lesson, the steps for adding and subtracting rational expressions are reviewed and emphasized,
In this lesson, we learn about adding and subtracting rational expressions (polynomials in fraction form).
Beginning with an introduction on multiplying fractions, this lesson first focuses on factoring out terms
In this introductory lesson to Rational Expressions (REs), students will build upon their knowledge of
The purpose of this video is to learn how to employ the principles of long
In this lesson, the decomposition method is introduced whereby trinomials in general form with an
In this lesson, students are introduced to “easy” trinomials. Building upon students’ knowledge of the
This video continues the methods of factoring necessary for the Math SN4 option: factoring by
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