Browse the sections below for access to our Student Help Resources:
Subject Resources
LEARN helps students succeed in challenging subjects with videos and subject-specific skills. Our Subject Help offerings include the following:
Class Marker Tests
Our Classmarker quizzes enable students to test their skills and practice tests-taking. There are 50 available ClassMarker tests in Math & Science subjects for students to practice their skills and prepare for evaluation (login required).
LEARN's How-Tos
How-Tos series presents step by steps for common skills and tasks in a variety of subjects (writing lab reports, oral presentations en français, Creating a reference list, etc.). Along with step-by-step videos, each How-To contains downloadable resources and resource links to more information and support.
Écrire une lettre personnelle ou officielle
La lettre est un message écrit adressé à une personne identifiable. La
Écrire une lettre ouverte
La lettre ouverte est un texte rédigé sur un sujet qui passionne
Écrire une autobiographie
Une autobiographie est la biographie (vie) d’une personne écrite par elle-même.
Écrire un récit d’aventures
Le récit d’aventures est un texte rempli de péripéties, c’est-à-dire d’évènements et
Exam Information
The information below was compiled to inform students and families about the compulsory June exams. The selected Ministère de l'Éducation documents include the structure of the exams and the administration procedures, as well as sample questions.
Featured Resources
Our goal with these resources is to highlight both great educational tools, as well as LEARN's awesome teachers and tutors. We hope that some of these gems will help make learning @ home productive and fun. This is also a great opportunity to feature some of the dedicated Quebec educators who continue to make a difference every day. And these... are some of their favourites!