Write a Lab Report

What is a lab report?

A lab report is an information-based text. It is written to describe a scientific experiment. It is also used to analyze the results of the experiment.

Lab reports use simple and direct language. The lab report’s most important features are clarity and accuracy so that the experiment is easily understood by others.

Lab reports are used by scientists of all ages and all over the world to describe and analyze their work.



The purpose sets out what you are trying to find out and why in clear language.

Ask yourself:

  • What am I trying to find out?
  • What is the point of my experiment? Why am I conducting it?


A hypothesis is a prediction based on all available information. It predicts the results of the experiment, or the answer to the problem.

Some people like to call it an educated guess.

Ask yourself:

  • What do I think will happen?
  • Why do I think this will happen?


Both of these section can be lists of materials and procedure surrounding the experiment. However, they can be written in sentences as well.

Basically, the apparatus and method describes what’s needed and the procedure of the experiment, so that someone could easily perform the experiment after reading the apparatus and method section of the lab report with no prior knowledge. Think of it as the detailed instructions on how to do the experiment.


The Apparatus means the materials, equipment and chemicals used in the experiment. List all of the apparatus in your lab report.

For example:

  • 1 Bunsen Burner
  • 2 Graduated Cylinder
  • NaCl or Sodium chloride (salt)
  • H2O (water)
  • 1 Pipet
  • Balance


The Method precisely describes the procedures used in the experiment.

For example:

Take a plant shoot and cut in the sink under running water. Remove the shoot from water and place the stem through the hole in the stopper and allow one inch of the stem to go into the water in the flask. Place a separate funnel in third hole and fill with water to the upper mark. Move the apparatus to the fume hood and measure every two minutes for 30 minutes.


During your experiment, record your observations and data in a clear way. Ask yourself:

Ask yourself:

  • What can I see, hear, feel or measure?


You can record using:

  • Notes
  • Photographs
  • Tables
  • Drawings


To analyze experiment results is to make sense of them, to explain them.

An analysis should be more than just stating the results again.

Ask yourself:

  • What do my observations tell me?
  • What do my findings mean?
  • The results mean that ________________.
  • When _________ happened, it was because of _______________.


The conclusion links your hypothesis and your analysis.

Ask yourself:

  • What was my hypothesis?
  • Did the results support my hypothesis?
  • What did I learn from this experiment?


Remember that rejecting a hypothesis is part of the wonderful process of science! It is not a mistake! It is progress towards scientific understanding.

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