Secondary 4 Science Resources
Isotopes and Relative Atomic Mass (Sec 4 SE and Sec 4 EST)
In this brief video, students review the concepts of isotopes and relative

Stoichiometry (Sec 4 SE and Sec 4 EST)
Here, we begin to think about calculations as applied to chemical reactions.

Secondary 4 Science Resources
Enumeration of Matter (Sec 4 SE and Sec 4 EST)
This lesson begins by recounting the difficulty with counting the number of

Secondary 4 Science Resources
Finding Ionic Charges (Sec 4 SE and Sec 4 EST)
In this video, students are given an opportunity to review and practice

Secondary 4 Science Resources
Organization of Matter (Sec 4 SE and Sec 4 EST)
In this brief video, students review the concept of an atom and

Here, we begin to think about calculations as applied to chemical reactions.