Quadratic Inequalities: One Variable
This lesson introduces the concept of quadratic inequalities. Using a method that

Problem Solving Using Quadratic Equations
This lesson builds on your understanding of quadratic equations to begin solving

Solving Quadratic Equations 3: The Quadratic Formula
In this voicethread, students are introduced to a new rule: the quadratic

Solving Quadratic Equations 2: The Perfect Square Method
In this lesson, solving quadratic equations is explained using the perfect square

Solving Quadratic Equations 1: The Factoring Method
In this lesson, students get a mini-review on solving a linear equation.

Summary: Roles of a, b, h, and k in the Greatest Integer Function
In this lesson, students review the effects of parameters a, b, h

The Role of Parameters h and k in the Greatest Integer Function
In this lesson, students will review the basic Greatest Integer Function. Then,

The Greatest Integer Function (Step Function): An Introduction
This lesson introduces the concept of a new mathematical operation that involves

Rational Expressions 4: Adding and subtracting rational expressions
In this lesson, the steps for adding and subtracting rational expressions are

Rational Expressions 3: Adding and subtracting rational expressions
In this lesson, we learn about adding and subtracting rational expressions (polynomials

Rational Expressions 2: Multiplying and dividing rational expressions
Beginning with an introduction on multiplying fractions, this lesson first focuses on

Rational Expressions 1: Simplifying rational expressions
In this introductory lesson to Rational Expressions (REs), students will build upon