Trig Identities 3: Using Identities to Find Trigonometric Ratios
This lesson steps out of the pure algebra of identities to do

Trig Identities 2: Pythagorean Identities
The unit circle is used to develop the basic Pythagorean identity, which

Trig Identities 1: Introduction, Quotient and Reciprocal Identities
This lesson gives a context for the meaning and use of trigonometric

Exponent Boot Camp 5: Rational Exponents
This lesson uses the power of a power property to develop the

Exponent Boot Camp 4: Power of a Product
The property (ab)n = anbn is presented and incorporated into examples involving

Exponent Boot Camp 3: Power of a Power
Exponent Boot Camp 3 is an intuitive explanation of the power of

Exponent Boot Camp 2: Negative and Zero Exponents
Exponent Boot Camp 2 re-examines the quotient property, this time in rational

Exponent Boot Camp 1: Product and Quotient Properties
Exponent Boot Camp 1 offers an intuitive explanation of the two rules

Linear functions: Standard Form & General Form
Outlines procedures for transforming an equation to/from the standard form

Finding the Rule of a Linear Function
This lesson outlines a procedure for finding the standard algebraic representation of

Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
This is a demonstration of the arithmetic relationships between slopes of lines